Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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With the rapid development of science and technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering has become one of the most preferred professions all over the world.

The main purpose of the department is to provide students with skills such as defining, modeling, analyzing and solving problems in engineering, designing and applying the electronic system and its parts, analyzing the obtained data, interpreting and presenting.

Our primary aim in our education is to train qualified engineers who use the latest electrical-electronic and computer technologies, especially in the fields of electricity, electronics and communication.

Our university also offers its students special study opportunities in the fields of aviation and space with the courses they take from the departments of aviation and space engineering.

Students graduating from this program will gain knowledge and engineering skills in the following subjects.

  • Wired-Wireless communication systems,
  • Control systems,
  • Robotics, Automation, Modeling and prototype development,
  • Simulation, real-time data reading evaluation,
  • Remote sensing, ground and satellite systems,
  • Power electronics, high voltage, lighting and optics,
  • Mechanical and electronic stability

Our graduates will have the opportunity to work in civil and military electrical-electronic-communication institutions and organizations, electronic defense industry, aircraft, automotive and biomedical sectors, power generation-transmission distribution companies and electromechanical industry.



Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English)


Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English)

Videos / Images

Name Surname Task Video
Prof. Dr. Hasan ERBAY Rektör İzle
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ertan ZENCİR Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanı İzle
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Ali OLPAK Öğretim Üyesi İzle
Hangi Beyne Hangi Meslek Olur? İzle
3.942 Student
11.594 Graduate Student
16 Department
149 Academic Staff

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